East Dunbartonshire CAB is committed to providing the best possible help and advice to all residents. So, we have a complaints procedure in place to ensure we are doing the best job we can. We welcome feedback of all kinds. And if you have a complaint, we will always try put things right. We treat Citizens Advice Bureau complaints seriously and aim to deal with them as quickly as possible.
Please contact the bureau if you are unhappy with any service you have received from us. The manager or Service manager can discuss your issue with you and will try to resolve it. And if you are still unhappy, you can make a formal complaint.
You can make your formal complaint by letter and address it to the Manager, if your complaint is about the Manager/Service Manager, address the letter to the Chair of the Trustee Board at your local office. Or, make your complaint through national Citizens Advice. You can do this by emailing us here or via our contact page here. Your complaint will be investigated and if it is upheld, we will apologise and explain any action we are taking to put things right.
If you are not happy with the outcome of the formal complaint, you can ask for a further review under the Citizens Advice Chief Executive. And if you are still not satisfied, you can ask an Independent Adjudicator to step in. You must do this within four weeks of receiving the Citizens Advice review.
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Our next AGM will be held on Monday 24th 2025
Contact us for a copy of the Annual Report.
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