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Local Development Plan

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What is the Local Development Plan?

This winter, East Dunbartonshire’s Local Development Plan 3 has come into the second stage of the process. Meaning that the East Dunbartonshire Council are looking to start gathering data. This allows them to continue the development plan scheme that is asked for annually by the Scottish government. This aims to manage the development and use of land in the public interest both now and in the long term.

What stage is the Local Development Plan in?

The Local Development Plan is currently in stage 2, which is titled Evidence Report Preparation. During this stage, the local planning authority will gather and collate information regarding the land in the area. And will commence drafting of related assessments. They will do SEA scoping (strategic environmental assessment). This is where they identify, report, and propose mitigation measures. Monitor the environmental baseline. And will seek views on gathered evidence from and partners and stakeholders. This will all then be reported to the council.

Man holding hnd out with different stages of a plan icons in front
Currently in Stage 2

Why should I be interested in the Local Development Plan?

It may seem like the Local Development Plan is more for diplomats and beaurocrats, not the everyday citizen. So why should you have any interest? Well, there are a few reasons to get involved in the Evidence Report Preparation of the Local Development Plan.

People power needed

In order for the Local Development Plan to have enough accurate information, each local authority and planning authority requires locals to provide data. This helps the planning authority to develop a complete Development Plan.

Information will help to create report

There is a survey that citizens can take part in that will help to generate a full evidence report. The East Dunbartonshire council can use that to work ensure that the views and interests of residents, businesses, groups and organisations are documented.

Concept image of gathering information
Gathering information for the report

The local development plan considers…

A broad range of land-related issues and queries. For example, it will look at biodiversity, natural places, trees, brownfield and vacant or derelict land. It will also consider climate change, mitigation, flood risk, water management. As well as housing, infrastructure, retail, town centers and sustainable transport. Most people will have some interest in at least one of the areas under evaluation. Moreover, by providing information to the Evidence Report you can contribute. This will help to make sure the information the council has is as accurate as possible.

How can I get involved?

If you want to help with the plan, you can do so through the survey online. Moreover, you can choose to attend one of the drop-in sessions being held. These drop-in sessions will be held across November, December and January in village halls, town halls and libraries in East Dunbartonshire. However, if you don’t have time to attend an in-person session, there will be an online information session toward the end of the period in late January 2024. The date for this is yet to be announced. But will provide citizens with the chance to engage with council officers.

To be given the details, email development.plan@eastdunbarton.gov.uk.

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