TV Licensing scam – be on the lookout
Do you think you have received a TV licensing scam email, or from anyone else? Then speak to us at the East Dunbartonshire Citizen’s Advice for help.
Do you think you have received a TV licensing scam email, or from anyone else? Then speak to us at the East Dunbartonshire Citizen’s Advice for help.
Phone scams are becoming more and more sophisticated each year. Are you scammer aware?
Being Aware of HMRC phone scams Most people are well aware of the dangers posed by scammers online. These include bogus websites, hacked email accounts and even fake Facebook accounts. What is just as important to be aware of is the rising prevalence of phone scams. These can affect everyone who uses mobiles or landlines. One […]
Staying safe and secure when surfing the web Going online to buy shopping, play games and do research is commonplace today, but increasingly we need to be careful of online scams. Fraudsters around the world send 14.5 billion spam emails every day. This article will tell you how to stay safe, and what to look […]
Can we help with your council tax?