The 16 Days of Action is a worldwide campaign aimed at raising awareness of violence against women and girls. This annual event takes place from the 25th November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10th December, (World Human Rights Day). Women’s Aid is one of the Citizen Advice Bureau’s partners and we are proud to promote this event to those in East Dunbartonshire. Those in the area can join event in person and online throughout this period – read on to find out more.
16 Days of Action in East Dunbartonshire
In the UK alone a woman is killed by her abuser every three days. Statistics have shown that more than 80% of women who have experienced sexual abuse say they didn’t report it to the police. Black and minoritised women are even less likely to report abuse. The 16 days of action is designed to help us all raise our voices against such violence. We can make change happen together.
Throughout the 16 days, events and webinars will be held across East Dunbartonshire. You can find a full list of these events on the council’s website, and include:
East Dunbartonshire Women’s Aid Drop-In Meet the Service
27th November, 2 pm – 4 pm
McGregor House, 10 Donaldson Crescent, Kirkintilloch, G66 1XF
Learn about the support, services and meet staff and trustees of East Dunbartonshire Women’s Aid
Engaging with young people around online misogyny (webinar)
28 November 2024, 2.00pm – 4.00pm (Online)
Explore approaches to understanding and addressing the risks of online misogyny and abuse for young people in Scotland.
5th December, 2024 10:30am – 3:00pm
Kirkintilloch Town Hall
A local approach to tackling violence against women and girls. Join EMPOWERED, East Dunbartonshire’s Violence Against Women & Girls Partnership for our 16 Days Of Action Event.
Graham Goulden – Violence prevention advocate and former Police Scotland Chief Inspector, presenting “The Bystander Moment” by Jackson Katz.
Victoria Bannerman – Trauma-Informed Practice Coordinator at East Dunbartonshire Council, focusing on trauma-informed approaches related to gender-based violence.
Police Scotland – Presentation on the Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland
Special exhibition:
“Reassess the Press” – By The Rosey Project (Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis) A critical look at how the media portrays sexual violence, aiming to raise awareness of language use and editorial choices.
Content Disclaimer: This event will discuss gender-based violence, trauma, and sensitive topics that could be upsetting for some attendees.
Facilitating disclosures of selling or exchanging sex (online)
10 December 2024, 9.30am
The recent CSE Aware report “Barriers to Disclosures of Selling or Exchanging Sex″ revealed a number challenges that practitioners face in relation to disclosures of selling or exchanging sex. To increase workers’ skills and confidence to manage disclosures of selling or exchanging sex, CSE Aware is offering an online training session for frontline practitioners.
Register your interest in this online event here.
EDCAB is here to help
If you, or someone you know, is suffering from abuse, then speak to us for advice. Throughout the 16 days of action and across the rest of the year, we are here to help. So read our articles on domestic abuse and emotional abuse, or get in touch with us to talk to someone fave to face. All advice is free and completely impartial.
Contact us