At East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau in west-central Scotland, we are here to help. If you live or work in the East Dunbartonshire area, we can give you personalised advice on money, debt, budgeting, financial issues and more. Please contact us here, chat online or call us on 0141 775 3220. If you reside outside of East Dunbartonshire, please contact your own local Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance. Find them here.
Help with debt and financial worries
Over half a million people every year in the UK struggle with problem debt. This is when you owe money but you are not in the position to be able to pay it back. It can lead to mental health issues, and cause relationships to fail. So if you are worried about debt and are looking for some debt help, then here are some ways to bring it under control.
Help with bills
Worried about building up debt as energy bills increase? Energy prices are soaring and many households are struggling to keep up with bills. The cost of living is rising, meaning we have to stretch our money further. This can mean reducing or cutting out some of the things we love, but it can also result in spiralling debt.
So if you are worried about rising bills and how you are going to pay for your gas and electricity, the best idea is to make an appointment with us. We can assess your situation and advise on what you could do next.
In the meantime, there are some ways you can see if saving money on your bills is possible online. With energy bills increasing, lots of us are feeling the pinch. Head to our Money Map to find ways to maximise your income, reduce bills and help ease the cost of daily living
Check if you can save money on your council tax bills. Our tool shows if you are eligible for a discount, exemption, or reduction:
How to control debt
If you have already fallen into debt, we can offer advice on getting out of it. If you have debt concerns, then the sooner you talk to us about it, the better. We can advise on any benefits you may be entitled to, as well as ways you can maximise the income you already have. Or if you want to get ahead, start the process now with our income maximisation survey:
Some of the ways we can help include looking at what debt you should pay off first. These are your priority debts, and include things like your rent or mortgage, energy bills and court fines. We can help you see what debts need to be taken care of first, and discuss ways you can do that.
We can also point you towards debt solutions like bankruptcy and give you all the advice you need on whether these are right or wrong for you.
Understanding how much money you have coming in each month versus how much you are spending is key to getting debt under control. We can work with you on a budget which shows where your money is going, and some of the ways you can save. Get in touch with us today to make an appointment.
Borrowing money
It can often be easy to borrow money, but difficult to pay it back. Borrowing isn’t always a bad thing, and is something many people have to do at some point in their life, perhaps for a wedding or buying a car. Ways of borrowing money include credit cards, store cards and bank loans. However it is important that you are able to pay the loan back. If you do not, that’s where problem debt begins.
Here are some tips for borrowing money, and is worth reading before you take out a loan anywhere.
Mortgage debt
With interest rates rising, you may be having difficulty paying your mortgage. Paying your mortgage is one of the first things you should prioritise each month, but if you are struggling then there are ways we can advise to help. If talking to your lender doesn’t help, then mortgage rescue schemes are available to help you pay. By booking an appointment to see us, we can help you decide on whether these schemes are right for you.
By talking to one of our experienced advisers, we can help you plan a way forward if you can’t pay your mortgage. We’ll help you work out what you can afford to pay, and this is something you will be able to discuss further with your lender.
Gambling problems
For many, gambling is no more than an annual flutter on the Grand National. However for thousands more in Scotland, gambling is an addiction and can be a life-changing problem.
We can advise you on your first steps to quitting gambling and regaining control of your finances. This can range from self-excluding from gambling companies, and offering advice on Gamblers Anonymous Scotland meetings. Make an appointment with us today to speak to one of our advisers in complete confidence.
Student financial support
Students can often face the choice of falling into debt whilst continuing their studies, or taking on more paid work whilst their education takes a back seat.
Financial support for students exists, and can be a way to stop falling into debt without sacrificing your education. Give us a call to discuss all options and we can help you budget or find funding that you may not have realised you are entitled to.
East Dunbartonshire CAB is here to help
If you are looking for further advice, check out Citizens Advice’s Debt Happens…You’re Not Alone campaign. You can find more information at and by following the hashtag #debthappens.
If you need any specific advice on money, debt, budgeting and financial issues, your local Citizens Advice Bureau can help. Residents of East Dunbartonshire can contact us here, chat online or call us on 0141 775 3220. Make an appointment and we can chat face-to-face about your options. This is a free service, completely confidential and impartial. If you are worried about money, we will take a look at your situation, and offer our best advice on how to get out of debt. If you live outside of East Dunbartonshire, you can find your local CAB here.
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