social tariff broadband

Social Tariff for Cheaper Broadband

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Did you know about the new social tariff for broadband?

Earlier this year, the Government announced a new social tariff initiative for cheaper broadband. The idea behind this initiative is that these social tariffs gives low-income families access to cheaper broadband deals.

Around 4 million households in the UK are eligible for a social tariff and should be enjoying cheaper broadband. But, according to Ofcom, only 150,000 people are on one. That’s just 3.5% of those who are eligible!

What are social tariffs?

In this digital age, broadband could be considered an essential service. Your bank account is online, most energy providers and utility companies offer a discount for online accounts. Job applications, medical appointments, food and, even gift shopping, are all done online these days. But for some families, having broadband is an expense they can’t manage. Enter the government initiative of social tariffs and cheaper broadband deals.

A social tariff is a cheaper deal for those families who are struggling because they are on a low income. Although broadband providers are not obliged to, some providers are offering these low-cost deals but, the government, Ofcom and charities like the Good Things Foundation, are trying to encourage more to take part to try to avoid data poverty. Switching to a social tariff could save the average low-income family £140 a year!

Looking for a job on net

Who is eligible for a social tariff?

People who are on various benefits are eligible for the social tariff, cheaper broadband deals. Everyone on Universal Credit is eligible but, some providers have extended their offering to people on other benefits. These benefits include:

  • Pension Credit
  • Jobseekers Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support

You do need to bear in mind, not all providers are offering these cheaper broadband deals via social tariffs and some are offering slower broadband speeds. But, if you do your homework, you could enjoy a substantial saving each year. Our guide below shows which of the main providers offer social tariffs. The Money Saving Expert website has a list of some of the local companies offering these deals. If your provider isn’t on the list, it is worth calling them to ask. And, if they’re not, check out the Which guide to switching so you can move to a provider that is.

Which providers are offering cheaper broadband through a social tariff?

As mentioned earlier, not all providers are offering a social tariff for cheaper broadband. And some don’t shout about it on their websites! Here are the main providers and what they are offering to whom:

BT Home Essentials


  • New & existing customers on the following benefits:
  • Universal Credit
  • Income related employment & support allowance
  • Pension credit (guarantee credit element)
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance

Now Basics broadband & line


  • Existing broadband customers on the following benefits:
  • Universal Credit
  • Pension Credit

Sky Basics broadband & line


  • Existing broadband customers on the following benefits:
  • Universal Credit
  • Pension Credit

Virgin Media Essential broadband (no line)

£12.50 or £20

New & existing customers living in an area that Virgin covers and on the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit

Vodafone Essentials broadband & line


New & existing customers on the following benefits:

  • Jobseekers Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Disability Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Personal Independence Payment

Talk Talk also offer 6 months free for new and existing jobseekers in receipt of Universal Credit who don’t have an internet connection. This is arranged via the Job Centre.

The main takeaway from this is that you could be saving money on your broadband if you are in receipt of benefits. If you’re not sure whether you are eligible, what your provider is offering and how to go about getting onto a social tariff, your first port of call should be your current provider. And, if you are unsure how to switch provider if you need to, take a look at the Which guide. And Ofcom has some great advice in their article about cheaper broadband and phone packages.

East Dunbartonshire CAB is here to help

If you need any specific advice on money, debt, budgeting and financial issues, your local Citizens Advice Bureau can help. Residents of East Dunbartonshire can contact us herechat online or call us on 0141 775 3220. If you live outside of East Dunbartonshire, you can find your local CAB here.

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