A credit card with a digital lock on it being held by a person.

Bank arrestments

When you owe debt, sometimes your bank account will be frozen until it is repaid. This is called a bank arrestment, and whilst it is perfectly legal in Scotland, it usually causes problems for those with the most financial harship.

A man holding an energy bill, looking worried.
young family. mother father and children sitting on the floor with a roof held over their head
The word homeless on a piece of paper being cut in half
Couple checking their budget on laptop
Photos of group of people with their thumbs up
Mother and daughter with piggy bank
A woman looking happy and free as Autumn leaves fall around her.

Tackling Poverty in Scotland

At East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau in west-central Scotland, we are here to help. If you live or work in the East Dunbartonshire area, we can give you personalised advice on money, debt, budgeting, financial issues and more. Please contact us here, chat online or call us on 0141 775 3220. If you reside outside of East Dunbartonshire, […]

social tariff broadband
wallet full of money
Cost of living crisis holding an empty wallet
A man and woman on a sofa looking stressed at debt